Sponsor Spencer
Sponsor Spencer
Sponsor Spencer
Sponsor Spencer
Sponsor Spencer

Sponsor Spencer

Regular price $25 Sale

Cuddling in sunbeams with his buddy Paul Bunnyon — that’s Spencer the bunny’s specialty. He doesn’t like just any bunny, so caregivers took special care to find him a best friend. Now, he doesn’t let any other rabbits join in! Spencer is truly wonderful with volunteers, who just love his “pants.” He’s also a pro at “kiss kiss” — taking pellets of food gently from your mouth. Now, we don’t want him to get a Napoleon complex, but this little rabbit has spunkiness to spare!

You can sponsor Spencer. He’ll thank you with a “kiss kiss.”


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How Your Gift Helps

Your sponsorship gift supports the work of Best Friends Animal Society and helps Save Them All. To assist the greatest number of animals in need, and to make sure your gift does the most good, your donation will be used in combination with other sponsorship gifts to help save the lives of animals.