Sponsor Leo Decatmeow
Sponsor Leo Decatmeow
Sponsor Leo Decatmeow
Sponsor Leo Decatmeow
Sponsor Leo Decatmeow

Sponsor Leo Decatmeow

Regular price $25 Sale

From wary and skittish to sweet and trusting — that’s Leo. This sassy cat came to the Sanctuary from a nearby shelter after he was diagnosed with feline leukemia virus, which is contagious to cats, weakens their immune system, and has no cure. At first, Leo was understandably a bit grumpy. But daily stroller rides to his outdoor enclosure have made all the difference. What a lovebug Leo is now! He gets “breakfast in bed” in the stroller on the way to his happy place and then rolls in the dirt and cuddles with volunteers for hours.

Your sponsorship means more sun, hugs, and fun for darling Leo.

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How Your Gift Helps
Your sponsorship gift supports the work of Best Friends Animal Society and helps Save Them All. To assist the greatest number of animals in need, and to make sure your gift does the most good, your donation will be used in combination with other sponsorship gifts to help save the lives of animals.